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Philemon 1:20 – In The Lord

By Andrew Williams – June 22, 2021

Scripture : “Yes, brother, let me have joy from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in the Lord.” Philemon 1:20 NKJV

Observation : Paul is looking to have joy and a refreshing of his heart by Philemon, but this isn’t just in a human fashion. Paul wants to experience both of them “in the Lord”.

The basis and source of Paul’s joy is the Lord. This is achieved when Philemon does what is right in God’s sight in regards to his runaway slave Onesimus. When Philemon shows Christlike love to Onesimus it will bring joy to Paul and happiness to his innermost being ( his heart).

This is just like the joy we feel when our fellow disciples are well taken care of by others.

Application : I will seek to make others happy by doing for them what is pleasing to God.

Prayer : Father God, in you I find peace, joy, happiness and a merry heart. Help me to serve you wholeheartedly so that others may also have these experiences in You Lord God, amen.

1 thought on “Philemon 1:20 – In The Lord”

  1. Amen. This book though short and for some reason ignored, is powerful. Its many themes and lessons are amazing.
    Thanks for allowing the Lord to use you to bring to our attention and explore this hidden treasure of the bible.

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