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Philemon 1:19 – Paul’s Account

By Andrew Williams – June 21, 2021

Scripture : I, Paul, am writing with my own hand. I will repay—not to mention to you that you owe me even your own self besides. Philemon 1:19 NKJV

Observation : In the previous verse Paul asked Philemon to put Onesimus’ debt to his account. Paul clearly states that ” you owe me even your own self besides”. To me this is saying that Paul sees Philemon as his “slave”. So if Philemon is free and he is in a way Paul’s slave, then Philemon should treat Onesimus in like manner.

Paul’s account with Philemon, is Philemon’s life itself. Yet still Paul says he will repay Onesimus’ debt to Philemon. Wow !

Application : I will work on behalf of others so that may be free. I will use my time, energy, resources, influence, and relationships to seek the best for others.

Prayer : Father God, I will work on behalf of others so that may be free. I will use my time, energy, resources, influence, and relationships to seek the best for others. I will also intercede in prayer on behalf of my brothers and sisters. I pray for their salvation, healing, and deliverance through Jesus Christ my Lord, amen.

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