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Philemon 1:18 – Settled Debt

By Andrew Williams – June 20, 2021

Scripture: But if he has wronged you or owes anything, put that on my account. Philemon 1:18 NKJV

Observation : If he has wronged you? Hold on, slave runs away from his master and Paul is asking this question!? I know that we may not agree with slavery, but Paul is clearly thinking about the situation from Philemon’s point of view. This situation reminds me of a Christian who backslides and basically runs away from God. When we backslide it hurts God.

If he owes you anything? Did Onesimus steal from Philemon? Did Onesimus sell himself to Philemon for a period of time, received the money, used it for family and has now run away without paying the debt? Maybe this is what Paul is alluding to.

Put that to my account! Paul is now telling Philemon that he Paul will pay. Isn’t this wonderful for Onesimus!? Again, this reminds me of what Jesus did for us by paying the price for us so that we can be freed from sin and its hold over us. Isn’t the love of Jesus wonderful!

Application : I will seek to show loving concern for others just like Paul and Jesus did.

Prayer : Father God thank You for settling every account that I have defaulted on. I am free from all debt because of what Jesus Christ has done for me: I’m free from sin, I’m free from sickness, and I am delivered. Help me to show love to others by helping them when they are in need . I pray this ,in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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