father and son, walking, railway

Philemon 1:10 – Son Onesimus

By Andrew Williams – May 27, 2021

Scripture : “I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in my chains,” Philemon 1:10 NKJV

Observation : Paul is appealing for Onesimus , who he says is his son begotten while incarcerated. This shows how much Paul loves this young man that he has lead to the Lord. This is the way that we should think of persons that we lead to the Lord, we should love them as a father loves his son. We should choose to protect them and teach/disciple them in the way of the Lord.

Application : I will love, nurture and protect new disciples in the Lord as a Father who loves his child does.
I will encourage others to do the same.

Prayer : Father God thank You for this example of Paul and Onesimus which teaches us that we should love new converts/young disciples with the love of a father. Help us to follow this example of walking in love the way You taught us through the Lord Jesus Christ. We love You God, and we will live loving others, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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