man, refugee, escape

Philemon 1:1 -Prisoner Of

By Andrew Williams – May 19, 2021

Scripture : “Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, To Philemon our beloved friend and fellow laborer, ” Philemon 1:1 NKJV

Observation : “Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus”? What do this mean? Only a few translations say, “for the sake of Christ Jesus”.

Sometimes the way we say things can bring across different meanings. If we were reading this passage as the first reading we ever did in the bible, we wouldn’t have known what “a prisoner of Christ Jesus” actually meant.

Paul was in prison because he was preaching the gospel. He gave his all to make the gospel known where God sent him. One thing that Paul lived by was, “to know Christ and to make Christ known”. This came at the cost of Paul’s freedom.

Application : I will read my Bible and seek to find out what it truly means. I will get to know Christ and make Him known to others. I will make disciples even if it means becoming a prisoner for Christ’s sake.

Prayer : Father God, please give me knowledge and understanding of Your Word. Holy Spirit, teach me! I am your humble student. I want to know You God, and make You know. I will sacrifice everything to do Your will. Amen.

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