Pastors, Hear God’s WORD

By Andrew Williams

Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord. 
Ezekiel 34:9 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.

When we read this verse in context we see that the Lord is chastising those shepherds who were not taking care of their assigned flock. As a pastor, leader, or shepherd over a flock of God’s sheep you need to hear God’s WORD.

These shepherds should have known God’s WORD. They should have known the expressed or manifested mind and will of God. They had God’s written WORD. They had been hearing from God’s prophets. They should have understood and should have been obedient to God’s WORD.

Once again God had to use another prophet to speak to them.

Are you pastor who is in need of hearing the WORD of God?

Are you being obedient to His written WORD?

Are you obeying the prophetic utterances by others from God to you?

Pastor, examine yourself today see whether or not you are being obedient to God’s WORD. Now, hear the WORD of the Lord and obey!

Prayer: Father God, as shepherds of Your flock we need to know Your mind and Your will. You have expressed Yourself in Your written WORD and through the prophetic utterances of others. You have manifested Yourself through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have so much evidence of who You are and what Your will is for our lives. Help us God to accept Your WORD, to understand Your WORD, to be obedient to Your WORD, and to live according to Your WORD. Amen.

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