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By Andrew Williams – October 23, 2021


“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” I Corinthians 3:16 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

Many of us dream of owning a home of our own and if this is beyond us, renting a place of our own. When we finally get that place we move from where we were living to inhabit that home.

Our home is where we dwell, and we tend to be at peace and be comfortable there. It is a place where no other person should enter without permission, because they know that it belongs to you. Persons respect the fact that this house is yours.

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” As a disciple of Christ you are officially the temple of God. Do you know this? Do you know what this means? Are you living in a way that shows that you are the temple of God? Is the Spirit of God dwelling in you?

To dwell means to live as a resident. So the Holy Spirit lives as a resident within you, with all the rights and privileges of an owner. The question is, “Do you treat Him as one who has authority over your body, which is His Temple?” As you consider these questions today, my prayer is that God will reveal to you how special you are, and how important it is to realize that His Holy Spirit is dwelling within you.

Your body is not empty. It is occupied. If you are a child of God then your body is His temple and you are occupied by the Holy Spirit. Respect Him, honor Him, revere Him, listen to Him, trust Him, and obey Him!

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I am Your Temple! Occupy all of me and let Your glory be seen in me , I pray, amen.

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