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New Commandment

By Andrew Williams – May 16, 2021

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. ” John 13:34 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

The old covenant had its own set of commandments which were based on doing stuff that showed how God wanted persons to act towards Him, and act towards others. The New covenant came with its new commandment which showed what the purpose of the old covenant was.

The new commandment was to love one another in the way that God loves us. As we look at the old covenant we realize that the actions that were prescribed were based on love for God and love for others. Now in the New testament / the New covenant, Love Is exemplified by Jesus towards us. He then goes on to say that we should love others the way that He has loved us.

Jesus sacrificed His position in heaven to come and live a human life and then to give up that life as payment for us to have fellowship with God once more. He gave his all, was fully obedient in life and in death to God the Father. He healed the sick, delivered those held captive by the devil, and saved us from our sins.

Jesus expects us to show love one to another just the same way He did, by us being obedient to God in all things, being submitted to God and fully surrendered to Him, while serving each other.

Are you being obedient to this command, to love one another the way that Jesus loved us and still loves us?

Prayer: Father God help us to be obedient to You so that we can live a life of love as You have commanded us, amen.

1 thought on “New Commandment”

  1. Concise and impactful. Clear and professionally produced.
    The content is timely. It inspires and convicts.

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