My Soul Waits

By Andrew Williams

 My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning— more than watchmen wait for the morning. Psalms 130:6 BSB 
My Soul Waits

Good morning, fellow disciples.

Wait is defined as: “to remain stationary in readiness or expectation.”

A watchman is “a person whose job is to watch and guard property at night or when the owners are away”.

A good watchman will guard his assigned property as expected until his time of work ends. Even though he may pride himself in his job, sometimes he is just so tired and wants to go home to rest, or to go and take care of his own family and property.

The job is always there to be done but he alone cannot do it. He needs help. He needs relief. He waits in expectation for the morning when someone else will come to relieve him.

How about you? Can you do it on your own? Is your soul capable of handling everything that life throws at you, or that life expects from you?

The answer is NO!

So, who do you trust to wait on in expectation and readiness for the help that you need, for the companionship that you need, for the counsel that you need, or the friendship that you need?

As a disciple of Christ, my soul knows that the only person he can truly wait on, and trust is the Lord. He is the only one that I need. He can fulfill all my needs. He can fulfill all of yours too!

Will you wait on the Lord?

Is your soul waiting on God!

Prayer: Father God, my soul remains stationary and ready in expectation for You to show up. My God, my trust is in You and in You alone. You are faithful, You are truth, Your word is truth. I wait in expectation for You more than anything that this world can offer. Amen.

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