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My Identity in Christ – Abiding in Christ

December 31, 2024

By Andrew Williams

John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (NIV)

Good morning fellow disciples.

Let us delve into the heart of abiding, a concept so vital to our spiritual growth yet often misunderstood.

This isn’t a passive relationship, a mere affiliation; it’s a dynamic, vibrant connection, a life-giving union with the very source of life itself. Jesus uses the powerful imagery of a vine and its branches to illustrate this profound truth. The vine, representing Christ, provides the lifeblood, the nourishment, the very essence of existence for the branches, which represent us. We cannot bear fruit, we cannot flourish, we cannot even exist spiritually apart from Him.

This expository understanding should lead us to examine our daily walk with Christ. Are we merely connected to the vine, or are we actively abiding? Abiding is not a one-time decision; it’s a continuous process, a daily choice to remain connected to the source. It’s a conscious effort to remain intertwined with Him, drawing strength, guidance, and sustenance from His very being. It’s a deep, intimate relationship, built on trust, obedience, and unwavering love.

This understanding empowers us in our daily lives! The knowledge that we can do nothing apart from Christ frees us from the burden of self-reliance. We are not called to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders; we are called to lean on Him, to trust in His strength, to find our identity in Him. This empowers us to face challenges with courage, knowing that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. It allows us to surrender our anxieties and fears, knowing that He is our refuge and our strength.

How, then, do we cultivate this deeper relationship daily? It is a multifaceted pursuit, but here are a few practical steps:

Prayer: Consistent, heartfelt communication with God. This isn’t just a checklist; it’s a conversation, a time of listening and sharing with our Heavenly Father.

Scripture: Regularly immersing ourselves in God’s Word, allowing it to nourish our souls and guide our steps. Meditation on scripture allows the word to penetrate our hearts and transform our minds.

Fellowship: Connecting with other believers, sharing our faith, encouraging one another, and supporting each other in our spiritual journeys.

Obedience: Actively seeking to live a life pleasing to God, aligning our actions with His will. Obedience isn’t a burden; it’s an expression of our love for Him.

Service: Using our gifts and talents to serve others, reflecting Christ’s love in our actions. Serving others helps us to grow closer to God and to experience the joy of His presence.

I challenge you today to choose these practices and intentionally cultivate them daily. Make a conscious effort to deepen your connection with Christ, to abide in Him more fully. Let this new year be a year of intentional growth, a year of drawing closer to the vine that sustains us.

Prayer: Loving Father, we come before You, acknowledging our dependence on You. Help us to abide in You more fully, to draw strength and nourishment from Your presence. Open our hearts to Your Word, guide our steps, and empower us to live lives that reflect Your love. We will remain connected to Jesus through complete surrender and submission. Amen.

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