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My Identity in Christ- A Citizen of Heaven

December 9, 2024

By Andrew Williams

Philippians 3:20 (NLT): “But our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Good morning fellow disciples.

Let us turn our hearts and minds to a truth that transcends earthly boundaries and earthly limitations: our citizenship in Heaven.

This verse isn’t simply a statement of future hope; it’s a declaration of our present reality. We are not merely residents of this earth; we are citizens of a heavenly kingdom, a realm of eternal glory and unending joy. This heavenly citizenship shapes our perspective, influences our priorities, and empowers us to live lives that are different, lives that reflect the values and priorities of our true home.

Consider what it means to be a citizen of heaven while living on earth. It means our ultimate allegiance is not to earthly kingdoms or earthly powers; our loyalty belongs to our King, Jesus Christ, and to His heavenly kingdom. It means our values and priorities are not determined by the fleeting trends and shifting standards of this world; they are grounded in the eternal truths of God’s Word. It means our ultimate hope and purpose are not found in earthly possessions or earthly achievements; they are found in the promise of eternal life with our Savior.

This understanding empowers us to live with a transcendent perspective, to see beyond the immediate challenges and difficulties of this life, and to fix our eyes on the eternal prize that awaits us. It frees us from the anxieties and distractions of this world, allowing us to focus on what truly matters: loving God, loving others, and fulfilling the purpose He has designed for our lives.

Our task, then, is to live as citizens of heaven, reflecting the values and priorities of our heavenly home in all that we do. This week, I challenge you to actively cultivate this heavenly perspective. Spend time in prayer, meditating on the glories of heaven and the eternal promises of God. Seek opportunities to live out your heavenly citizenship by extending grace, compassion, and forgiveness to others. Let your actions and your words reflect the values of the kingdom of God, demonstrating the transformative power of your heavenly citizenship to those around you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the incredible privilege of being citizens of Your heavenly kingdom. Help us to live in a manner worthy of this high calling, reflecting the values and priorities of our true home in all that we do. Empower us to be agents of Your love and grace in this world, demonstrating the transformative power of Your kingdom to those around us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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