Meditate on God and His Kingdom

By Andrew Williams

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Matthew 6:33 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Are you a disciple who is in need? Is your focus on the thing that you need?

If this is your reality, you need to redirect your focus!

You need to stop meditating on your problem! As a disciple of Christ, you need to be focused on God and His Kingdom. He is your source! He is your strength! He is your reason for living! He is everything that you will ever need!

Honor God by seeking Him and His Kingdom above all else. Meditating on God and His Kingdom will help you to live righteously. Meditating on God allows you to have deeper fellowship and relationship with Him.

Do you want to live forever in God’s Kingdom?

If the answer is yes: you need to meditate, focus your thoughts on, reflect on and, ponder over God and His Kingdom, then live the life of a citizen of His Kingdom!

Prayer: Almighty God I will meditate on You and Your Kingdom. I will seek You above all else, and live righteously. Amen.

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