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Man and spirit

By Andrew Williams – October 28, 2021

But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a distressing spirit from the Lord troubled him.
I Samuel 16:14 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

In this passage, we see that one man had interaction with two different spirits. The backstory is that when Saul was anointed king of Israel the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. But even though Saul had God’s Spirit with him, Saul did not obey God in all things. He continually rebelled against God until God’s Spirit left him.

We see also that a distressing Spirit from the Lord troubled Saul after the Spirit of God left him. I am not going to debate whether God sent an evil spirit to Saul or not. But I want us to focus on today is that there were two possibilities:
1. Being anointed with the Spirit of God, and
2. Having another spirit Instead of the Spirit of God.

When we choose to follow God, he sends His Holy Spirit to live within us. When we chose to continue living submitted and surrendered to God His Holy Spirit dwells with us. If we decide to turn our backs on God then His Holy Spirit will not feel welcome to live with us. When we choose to live our life opposed to God other spirits will come to be with us instead of the Holy Spirit.

What is your relationship with God’s Spirit like today?
1. Is He waiting for you to choose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior so that He may come upon you?

2. Is He living in you?

3. Has He departed from you?

Do you have a distressing spirit that is troubling you?

As you ponder these questions you will see what your relationship with God is like. Evaluate and choose what God requires for you.

Prayer: Father God, I realize that as long as I’m alive I will have a relationship with spirits. I can either choose to be surrendered and submitted to You and have Your Holy Spirit live within me or reject You and have evil spirits trouble me.

Father God, I want to live the life that You have ordained for me, a life filled with fellowship and relationship with You, and a life where I have been appointed and anointed to be a kingdom disciple. Lord Jesus, I accept You as my Savior and I ask You to baptize me with Your Holy Spirit so that I can fulfill the calling on my life.

Holy Spirit of God, I ask You to never leave me. Teach me how to remain submitted to God and to serve Him always. All tormenting spirits, you don’t belong in me, you have no right to trouble me because I belong to the most high God who is my protector. I, therefore, command you to leave me now! Holy Spirit, please do not leave or forsake me, I pray, amen.

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