Make Bold Petitions

By Andrew Williams

The younger son told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now before you die.’ So his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons.
Luke 15:12 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Petition: something asked or requested, an earnest request.

Can you imagine working your entire life to build up your estate and one of your children comes to you and say: “I want now, what you would leave for me in your will”?

You would either be angry at him or be proud of him. Many persons believe that this child was being disrespectful to his father. But look at it another way: this young man was making a bold petition.

Are you like this young man?

Are you making bold petitions of those in authority over you?

Do you ask for what you really want, or do you ask for what you think people will give to you?

Do you ask God for what you want, or do you ask timidly for what you think He might give you?

Take a moment to ponder this: “What is the boldest petition I can make today”?


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