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Made By the Spirit

By Andrew Williams – October 18, 2021

Made By The Spirit

“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”
Job 33:4 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

When we look at the creation story we realize that God made everything. The only mention of God was in the form of His spirit hovering over the darkness. We see where Elohim said that they would make man in their own image. They formed man from the dirt then they breathed the breath of life into him.

Based on this we usually come to the conclusion that God the Father and God the Son have physical bodies, but nowhere in the creation story does it mention that. What we do know is that God is Spirit. Jesus himself said that God is Spirit and we should worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. I am not making a claim that a spiritual being does not have a spiritual body, nor am I saying that I understand the form of spirit beings. All I am saying is , “God IS SPIRIT”.

“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Job 33:4 NKJV
When I read this verse the first thing that I saw was, THE SPIRIT OF GOD MADE ME. The spirit of God made me! Never before had that revelation hit me. I always thought of God as a physical being who formed man with His physical hands and then placed the breath of life within him.

Remember that the book of Job falls after creation, and before the story of Abraham began. This means that this understanding of who God was ( found here in the book of Job) predates much of what is written in Genesis. Their understanding of God was that God is Spirit!

When we look at the trinity, we see God the Father on the throne, the Lord Jesus beside Him as the lamb who was slain, and the Holy Spirit standing before the throne. But our understanding of who God is sometimes does not line up with what scripture says.

Scripture is clear: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all Spirit!
The Spirit of God made me! The breath of the almighty gave me life. I still don’t understand but, I AM GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR CREATING ME ! I love my God and creator, and I will worship Him in Spirit and Truth!

Prayer: Spirit of God we welcome you. We have seen before that You hover over darkness and we see today that You’re the one that has made us.

Some of us are only existing Lord, and we need You to breathe into us. Almighty God only with Your breath can we truly come to life! We ask You now to forgive us of our sins and breathe life into us. Make us into Your image once more I pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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