Loving the Poor and Marginalized

By Andrew Williams

“Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.” – Proverbs 14:31

Good morning fellow disciples.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to have a special concern for the poor and marginalized in our society. Throughout the Scriptures, God makes it clear that He has a heart for the less fortunate and expects His people to reflect that same compassion.

In Luke 4:18, Jesus declares that He has been anointed “to proclaim good news to the poor” and “to set at liberty those who are oppressed”. This was the core of His earthly mission – to lift up the lowly and show the love of God to those the world had forgotten or forsaken.

Yet so often, we can become consumed with our own comfort and careers, neglecting the needs of the poor in our midst. We may look the other way, make excuses, or simply be unaware of the hardships faced by our neighbors in poverty. But God calls us to see them as He sees them – as precious image-bearers deserving of dignity and love.

When we show tangible kindness to the poor, we are in fact honoring our Creator. We are declaring that every human life has inherent worth, and that we are all equal in God’s sight. It’s a powerful testimony of the gospel that turns the world’s values upside down.

So let us ask God to break our hearts for what breaks his. Let us seek out opportunities to give generously, to advocate for justice, and to lovingly serve the marginalized in our communities. For in doing so, we reflect the heart of our Savior and bring his kingdom a little closer to earth.

Prayer: Father God, we will love the poor and marginalized through our words and Actions. Amen.

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