Loving the Outsider and Foreigner

By Andrew Williams

“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” – Leviticus 19:33-34

Good morning fellow disciples.

As people created in God’s image, we are all part of the same family – children of the one true King. Yet all too often, we allow cultural, ethnic, or national differences to divide us and make “outsiders” of our fellow human beings.

In the Scriptures, God makes it clear that he has a special concern for the foreigner and the immigrant. Time and again, he reminds his people of their own history as strangers in a strange land and calls them to extend the same compassion they once received.

When the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, God heard their cries and delivered them. And now, as the recipients of his grace, they were to reflect that same mercy toward others. Loving the outsider was not just a nice suggestion, but a command rooted in the character of God himself.

Jesus took this message even further, welcoming all people into the family of God regardless of their background. He broke down social barriers, embraced the marginalized, and insisted that his disciples be known by their love (John 13:35).

As followers of Christ, we are called to have the same posture. We must resist the urge to build walls, make assumptions, or treat “outsiders” as lesser than ourselves. Instead, we are to throw open the doors of our homes, our churches, and our hearts – recognizing that every person we meet is a beloved child of God, deserving of dignity and belonging.

This kind of love is countercultural and often costly. But it is the very love that Jesus modeled for us, and the love that has the power to transform individuals, communities, and even the world.

Prayer: Father God, help me to love my neighbor as I love myself and my family. Better yet, help me to love them unconditionally, the way that You love. Amen.

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