Listen To The Truth

By Andrew Williams

John‬ ‭10:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬- so he explained it to them: “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.

Good morning fellow disciples.

There are so many people who are seeking a relationship with God. Some people believe that there is only one way to have the right relationship with Him. Some people believe that there are many ways to reach God.

Some believe that the way to get into God’s graces and to live eternally is to obey certain commandments. Others believe that if you do more good than bad, you will go to heaven. Many believe that if you don’t follow their religious practices then you will not live eternally.

In John 10:1-5, Jesus told the parable that we entitle the Good Shepherd and the Sheep. The persons heard Jesus but they did not understand.

Listen is defined as: to hear something with thoughtful attention, or give consideration.

Even though they were giving thoughtful attention to what Jesus said, they still did not understand, so He went on to explain clearly to them.
Jesus told them that the only way for them to be saved and to live eternally was to come through Him to God. He also told them that He was the Good Shepherd, and He would bring His sheep through the gate with Him.

Simply put: There is only one way to God, and only one person who can truly lead us to Him, and that person is Jesus Christ.

Are you seeking some other way to live eternally or to find God?

If you are you are not listening to the truth.

Spend some time reading John 10:1-22, meditate on it, ask God to show you His truth, listen to Him, and accept His truth.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, the eternal life with God that I desire can only be achieved by believing and accepting You. I have listened to your Word and I accept You as my savior and Lord. I have eternal life! Amen

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