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Let Us Pray

By Andrew Williams – October 17, 2021

Let Us Pray

Father God, thank You for life, thank You for love, thank You for fellowship with You and others. We give You all the glory, we give You honor, we give You praise for who You are and for what You have done, and what You continue to do in our lives. There is none like You God, and words to express our adoration for You is limited.

Lord Jesus, thank You for continually interceding on our behalf with Father God. You are our high priest, You are our Lord, our Savior, and our King. We are forever grateful for Your sacrifice that redeemed us. We sometimes do not understand how You could give up so much for us, since we hated You and totally turned our backs on You. In awe, we bow before You in total surrender and total submission!

Holy Spirit, thank You for choosing to dwell with us, for choosing to live within us, and to be our great discipler. We yield to Your guidance, to Your teaching, and Your counsel. Without You we cannot live lives that are pleasing to God, so we thank You, we thank You for making it possible for us to live in union with God.

Who is like unto You God? There is none like You! God, show us how to live as kingdom disciples! We are still learning God, and sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we don’t understand how to truly act in Your presence, but God we are willing to learn. Teach us how to live for You and, we will!

God, we desire to be like the Lord Jesus Christ. God, we desire Your presence. God, We desire fellowship and relationship with You. God, like Moses asked, show us your glory, God! Show us who You truly are, or at least what we can manage, so that we can truly worship You in Spirit and Truth.

Thank You for loving us wholeheartedly! Hallelujah! Thank You for loving us unconditionally! Praise God!
Thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us! Glory be to God!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen

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