Let God Reveal the Meaning of His WORD

By Andrew Williams

Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.
Luke 24:45 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.

How much time do you spend reading God’s Holy Scriptures?

Are you having difficulty understanding God’s WORD?

Who do you usually go to for explanation of God’s WORD?

Are they usually able to explain God’s WORD so that you get the full understanding from the explanation that they give?

Jesus was walking along with two of His disciples after His resurrection. While speaking to them He explained what the scriptures really meant. Even though they had read it many times before it was when Jesus explained it to them that they really grasped what the scriptures truly meant.

Do you have conversations with God about the meaning of His WORD?

Do you rely on God’s Holy Spirit who lives within you to explain scriptures to you when you read it?

Father God, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit wants you to know and understand the expressed and manifested mind and will of God. Will you listen to them as they speak to you today?

My fellow disciples, I implore you to go to God today and ask Him to open your minds to understand His scriptures / His WORD.

Prayer: Father God, please explain Your expressed and manifested mind and will to me. Open my mind to understand Your WORD, I pray. Amen.

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