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Lessons from Jesus’ Conversation with the Fig Tree Part 3

By Andrew Williams – July 19,2022

And Jesus, replying, said to them, Have faith in God [constantly].
Mark 11:22 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

You’ve heard God’s Word! You’ve seen the effects of His blessings and curses! However, you don’t understand how the spoken word can bring about such changes. What’s the secret to Jesus being able to curse a tree and it dies within 24 hours?

Have faith in God constantly!

Do you have faith in God?

Is your faith in God sporadic or is it constant?

Many of us do not: place our trust in God, rely on God, have faith in God, CONSTANTLY!

We don’t keep our focus on God. We don’t focus on abiding with God. We don’t focus on working with His Holy Spirit who is constantly with us. We don’t focus on who we are in God. We don’t keep our focus on the fact that we have the authority that Jesus gave us.

If only we would accept everything that Jesus taught and believe everything that He has said we can do, then we could do the things that Jesus did.

Follow Jesus’ instruction and : “HAVE FAITH IN GOD CONSTANTLY!”

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