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Lessons from Jesus’ Conversation with the Fig Tree – Part 2

By Andrew Williams – July 18,2022

And Peter remembered and said to Him, Master, look! The fig tree which You doomed has withered away!
Mark 11:21 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Do you listen to God?

Do you remember the things that God says?

Are you amazed that His words come to pass?

We learn today that Jesus’ disciples paid attention to what He said. They were all learning from their master. Many times they did not understand His teachings, parables or, His actions. They, however, were always asking questions so that Jesus would give them further revelation knowledge.

Peter said: “Master, look! The fig tree which You doomed has withered away!”

Now Peter and the other disciples recognized the power of Jesus’ words! Jesus was not an ordinary man! He was beyond anything they had imagined!

Now, as many times before, Jesus had their attention. If you know Jesus, what do you think He’s going to do? Yes, time for another lesson.

Let me ask you a question.

Does Jesus, does God have your attention?

You have read His Word, listened to sermons, heard testimonies, interacted with disciples of Christ, and seen miracles,signs and wonders. But with all of that, does God have your attention?

What does God have to do or say for you to pay attention to Him?

Prayer: Father God, sometimes I hear You but I really don’t pay attention to You. It is when I see the outcome of Your words that I bring to remembrance of things that You have said.

I want to know You God. I want to understand what You have said. I want to know the reasons behind Your revelations. And even though I am shocked sometimes, I know that You have something for me to learn. I look forward to learning from You. I open my heart now to receive from You, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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