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Lessons From James’ and John’s Conversation with Jesus Part 3

By Andrew Williams – July 11, 2022

But this is not to be so among you; instead, whoever desires to be great among you must be your servant, And whoever wishes to be most important and first in rank among you must be slave of all.
Mark 10:43‭-‬44 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

We are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is the high priest for all who want to be citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. He is our Master and King. He is our Lord.

By virtue of being His disciples we no longer belong to any kingdom of this worldy system. We therefore no longer live our lives patterned after this sinful worldly system.

We are different!

Lesson 4: Greatness, importance and high ranking in God’s Kingdom is determined by the service we give to God and others.

My fellow disciples, take a moment to ponder your acts of service to God and others.

Are you pleased with the service that you are giving?

Are others pleased with the service that you are giving?


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