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Lessons From James’ and John’s Conversation with Jesus Part 2

By Andrew Williams – July 10,2022

But Jesus called them to [Him] and said to them, You know that those who are recognized as governing and are supposed to rule the Gentiles (the nations) Lord it over them [ruling with absolute power, holding them in subjection], and their great men exercise authority and dominion over them.
Mark 10:42 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

When is a good time to learn from God? What does the Lord see as a good teaching moment?

Jesus used every and any circumstance or situation to teach His disciples Kingdom principles. A possible fight between His disciples was eminent. Feelings were hurt and a heated argument had broken out.

In typical Jesus style, Jesus now begins to redirect His disciples foci to what was truly important. Once more He shows them how worldly people govern, with the intention of showing them what governing in God’s Kingdom is like.

As a church we also need to learn from Jesus because we also act like these disciples did. We want to rule over and dominate our fellow disciples.

Lesson 2: No matter what’s happening to, around or within us, God is calling us to learn from Him.

Lesson 3: The worldly governmental system holds people under subjection with the leaders exercising authority and dominion over the people.

God sees all, knows all, and understands all.
He wants us to learn how to live as His Kingdom disciples. He uses what is happening to us to show us how to be better disciples. Like Jesus, God is calling All of us to Him. Are you willing to hear what He is saying?

Prayer: God, what You are saying is more important than what I think, than what I am feeling, than what others have done, or my reactions to my situations. I choose to take my focus off everything that is not You. I turn to You Lord God, and give You all my focus! Teach me Lord, I will learn! Amen

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