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Lessons From James’ and John’s Conversation with Jesus Part 1

By Andrew Williams – July 9, 2022

And when the other ten [apostles] heard it, they began to be indignant with James and John.
Mark 10:41 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Our desires, requests, actions and conversations all have the ability to affect the lives of others. James and John had just asked Jesus privately for special consideration. They wanted the best positions in Jesus’ Kingdom.

Now, the other disciples heard about the conversation and, guess what!?

They were indignant!

Indignant means: feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.

Mi woulda angry too!

Can you imagine going through the same training/discipleship program with your good friends, and then they try to one up you by going to the teacher for special privileges?

They smile with you and then try to stab you in the back! Can you imagine the fallout between these fellow disciples if this situation wasn’t handled properly?

Lesson 1: People will feel or show anger or annoyance when you do something that is perceived as seeking unfair treatment.

In order to avoid indignation, don’t seek unfair or special treatment!

Prayer: Father God, help me to live my life pleasing to You. Help me not to cause my fellow disciples to become indignant with me.

I choose to live according to the pattern You emulated Lord Jesus. Amen

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