Leaders – Read God’s WORD to Your Flock

By Andrew Williams

Joshua then read to them all the blessings and curses Moses had written in the Book of Instruction. 
Joshua 8:34 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.

Are you a leader of a flock? Are you a bishop, apostle, evangelist, prophet, pastor, teacher, or a leader with any other designated title within your church?

Your flock needs to know the expressed or manifested mind and will of God. It is your responsibility to share God’s WORD with them, teach God’s WORD to them, and to empower them with God’s WORD.

You can start this process by simply reading God’s WORD to them!

Have you been doing that?

The WORD of God is powerful when read aloud.

How much time do you spend just reading the WORD of God to your flock?

Do you spend more time sharing stories about God’s expressed and manifested mind and will, than you do sharing God’s WORD?

Which do you think God would prefer: that you share your interpretation of His WORD, or that you share His WORD with your flock?

There are so many instances where persons have come to know the Lord from just hearing His WORD. Many persons have confessed their sins just because they heard of the reading of God’s WORD. Many persons have been baptized with God’s Spirit just from being in a session where God’s WORD was read.

Why not put self aside today and just let the focus be on God and His WORD as you speak to others!

Prayer: Father God, starting today I will spend more time reading Your WORD to my flock. Let them see Your expressed and manifested mind and will, I pray, amen.

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