Know God’s WORD

By Andrew Williams

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’” 
Matthew 19:4 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.

We have all read God’s WORD. But, honestly many of us do not understand the expressed and manifested mind and will of God. Why is this?

1. Most of us do not read God’s Holy Scriptures to find out His will.

2. Many of us spend more time listening to persons commentaries on God’s WORD than getting to know His WORD.

3. Many of us only believe in what persons interpret from the WORD.

4. Many of us are too lazy to actually spend time reading, meditating on, and trying to understand God’s WORD. And,

5. Many of us really do not want to know God’s mind or will, so we just read the WORD without trying to understand it.

My fellow disciple, do you know God’s WORD?

Do you know the expressed and manifested mind and will of God?

If you do not, what will you be willing to do starting today to change that?

Prayer: Honestly God, I do NOT know Your expressed mind and will. I do not know or understand Your manifested mind and will. I have heard Your WORD many times. I have tried to meditate on it. I have listened to other persons interpretation of Your WORD.

The truth is, I really don’t know Your WORD. The main reason is that I really don’t want to know You. I have been comfortable just reading Your WORD and “playing Church”. But this is not what You desire from me, God. Forgive me, I pray.

Give me the desire to know Your WORD, Your expressed and manifested will and mind. Then help me as I try to live according to it. Amen.

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