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By Andrew Williams – August 12, 2021

Scripture : “I bestow on you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one on Me,” Luke 22:29 HCSB

Observation : God the Father gave Jesus a kingdom. We know that Jesus is King over everything. But look at this statement of Jesus, “I bestow on you a kingdom”.

We know that He was talking to His disciples, but isn’t it remarkable that His disciples have the honor of kingdoms being bestowed on them? Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ too? Won’t you get a kingdom too?

Jesus’ kingdom is so vast and He has said that He has gone to prepare a place for us. He has also said that we would rule with Him. In order to be part of this ruling class we need to fully surrender and submit to Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. We need be faithful to Him and live obedient to His word and to His Holy Spirit who lives in us.

Application : In order for me to reign with Christ Jesus and to live in his kingdom, I need to surrender and submit to Him fully.

I will live my life as Jesus’ faithful disciple who obeys Him in all things.

Prayer : Thank You Father God for making Jesus my Lord and King. I love Him, I obey Him, and I serve him wholeheartedly. Thank You Lord Jesus for giving me an opportunity to serve You and to rule over a part of Your kingdom. You said that those who want to lead should be the greatest servants, so Lord I ask You to help me to serve You to the greatest of my ability and to serve others, in the power and authority of Your Holy Spirit living in me. Help me to live like You Lord Jesus I pray, amen.

2 thoughts on “Kingdoms”

  1. Onesha Mitchell Patterson

    He’s given all of us a kingdom… Wow!! God, am I operating in my kingdom or am I in someone’s kingdom? God lead me to and establish my kingdom, so you’re will in my life can be done.

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