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King Jesus

By Andrew Williams – August 9, 2021

Scripture : “Now Jesus stood before the governor. “Are You the King of the Jews? ” the governor asked Him. Jesus answered, “You have said it.” Matthew 27:11 HCSB

Observation : King – a male monarch of a major territorial unit, especially : one whose position is hereditary and who rules for life.

Are you the King of the Jews? Are you the monarch over the entire Jewish people? Do you rule for life ? These are questions that Pilot asked Jesus. Jesus’ response was, “You have said it”. Now there are many things to consider but what keeps on coming to mind are the following thoughts.

Why tell someone who is ruling over you that you are a king? Why tell him that you rule for life? I say this because my first thought is that Pilot is going to kill Jesus in order to remove the possibility of Jesus inciting a rebellion against Rome. We know that Jesus was sentenced to death and that he was killed.

But He came to life again, and will live forever ! He truly is King for life ! He is King not only over the Jews, but king over heaven and earth.

Application : I will not hide who I am even if it means a death sentence. I am a disciple of Christ, a slave of God, a servant of God and , a child of God!

I recognize that I will live forever with Jesus in His kingdom, so, just like Jesus I will claim my God given identity.

Prayer : Lord Jesus, thank You for showing us how to stand in the face of adversity. Thank You for showing us that no matter what we should be true to who we are in You. Thank You for living Your life in the way that encourages us to stand up for God and His purpose for us. We love You Lord Jesus, and we thank You for making it possible for us all to be a part of Your kingdom and a part of Your family.

King Jesus, we glorify and the magnify You. We praise You Lord because You are worthy! We bow down before You because You are our Lord, You are our King, and You reign over us in all Majesty. We worship You King Jesus! We worship You! We worship You! Amen.

2 thoughts on “King Jesus”

  1. I am not ashamed of who I am for I am royalty, a heir, fellow citizen with the saints and member of the household of God. Hallelujah!

  2. I am not ashamed of who I am for I am royalty, a heir of THE kingdom, fellow citizen with the saints and member of the household of God. Hallelujah!

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