Keep Making The Same Confession

By Andrew Williams

A third time he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep. 
John 21:17 NLT
Keep Making The Same Confession

Good morning fellow disciples.

Confess: to declare faith in or adherence to; to give evidence of; to tell or make known.

We all know that Peter denied Jesus three times. He had also told his fellow disciples that he was going back to his life of fishing. In this passage we see him having yet another encounter with Jesus where Jesus has asked Peter three times if he loved Him.

Peter confessed his love for Jesus after being asked, but the third time Peter was hurt and he said: “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.”

Sometimes we get tired of confessing the same thing over and over. We become emotional when we are challenged about our faith, our belief in Christ, or our love for God.

The truth is, repeated confessions help us and others!

1. It helps us to become bolder in making confessions and to draw us closer to God.

2. It helps us to see how committed we are to the one that we are making the confession about.

3. It helps others when they hear about the God that we love and serve, and

4. It helps others when they see how devoted we are to God.

Don’t you think that we should keep on making the same confession?

Keep on declaring your faith in God!

Keep on giving evidence of God and His Kingdom by preaching the gospel and making disciples!

Keep on telling others about God and making Him known.

And when you do sin, keep on unburdening your sins or the state of your conscience to God and to others.

Prayer: Father God, we thank You for this month-long focus on confession. I pray that we have been challenged and encouraged to confess our sins to You and to others.

I pray that as we have been challenged and encouraged to tell the truth, to make You known, and to declare our faith in You, that we have become bolder in making confessions.

As we continue our lives dedicated to making the appropriate confessions, we know that You will show up in our lives and in the lives of others the way that is needed. Let Your presence rest upon us, in Jesus Holy and precious name. Amen

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