bible, worship, christian


By Andrew Williams – April 18, 2021

Scripture : Sing joyfully to the Lord , you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. Psalms 33:1 NIVUK

Good day fellow disciples. 

Are you a child of God?  Yes- then it means that you are righteous, that you are in “right standing” with God.  It means that you can approach Him with confidence. The verse says that you are to sing joyfully to the LORD, and that it is fitting for you to do so.   So now, no matter what you are going through , take some time to be joyful in the presence of your God and praise Him with all that you are !

Oh what an honor it is to be able to worship our God! Worshipping God strengthens our fellowship with Him. Let us worship Him because it is the fitting thing for us to do. When we do that God will respond .

Prayer : I will praise you LORD with every breath that I take, I will praise you LORD .,this promise I make. LORD I love you and I will sing joyfully to you and praise you ESPECIALLY when I don’t feel like it ! My praise to you will cause the enemy to flee, in Jesus’ name . Amen

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