Joseph- Filled with The Holy Spirit

By Andrew Williams

Genesis 41:38 NLT – So Pharaoh asked his officials, “Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God?”

Good morning fellow disciples.

When we are filled with God’s Holy Spirit it is always for a purpose.

We all know the story: Joseph was a dreamer and an interpreter of dreams. Through a series of unfortunate events, he ended up in a prison in Egypt. Finally, he was set free to hear pharaoh’s dreams. Pharoah asked joseph to interpret the dreams, but here was Joseph’s reply:

Genesis 41:16“It is beyond my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease.”

Joseph interpreted the dreams, and this eventually led to saving the known world from the predicted famine. It also led to Joseph’s elevation to become second in charge of Egypt.

Genesis 41:39-40, Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are. You will be in charge of my court, and all my people will take orders from you. Only I, sitting on my throne, will have a rank higher than yours.”

Most importantly we see Pharoah recognizing and proclaiming that the Spirit of God was in Joseph!

Genesis 41:38 NLT – So Pharaoh asked his officials, “Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God?”

Isn’t that awesome!

Do people recognize that you are obviously filled with God’s Spirit?

Prayer: Father God, help me to be like Joseph who was obviously filled with Your Spirit. Amen.

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