John the Baptist- Filled with The Holy Spirit

By Andrew Williams

Luke 1:15 AMP “for he will be great and distinguished in the sight of the Lord; and will never drink wine or liquor, and he will be filled with and empowered to act by the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb.”

Good morning fellow disciples.

When we are filled with God’s Holy Spirit it is always for a purpose. God’s Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfil God’s plan and purpose for our lives.

John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit even before he was born. His filling was to empower him to become the forerunner of Jesus. This message was relayed to his father by the angel Gabriel.

Luke 1:16-17 “And he will turn many Israelites to the Lord their God.  He will be a man with the spirit and power of Elijah. He will prepare the people for the coming of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and he will cause those who are rebellious to accept the wisdom of the godly.”

John the Baptist fulfilled his prophesied role. He proclaimed the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. He prepared the people for Jesus’ ministry. He preached repentance, and many in Israel repented of their sins and were baptized.

Do you want to be like John the Baptist?

You too can be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God to preach the good news of salvation. Will you accept this challenge?

Prayer: Father God, thank You for pouring out Your Holy Spirit on us and filling us with Him so that we are empowered to do Your work here on earth. We surrender completely to You, Holy Spirit. Empower us to do all that God requires of us. Amen.

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