Jesus’ Petition For You To Be His Disciple

By Andrew Williams

As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him.
Matthew 9:9 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Petition: something asked or requested, an earnest request.

If Jesus was walking the earth today, do you think that He would call you to be one of His disciples?

Do you think you would be worthy of being petitioned by Jesus Christ to be His disciple?

Jesus chose the persons who God had ordained to be His disciples. Some, if not all of them, were of questionable character. When He called them, they were usually not living a godly life. Many of them probably thought that they were not worthy to be His disciples.

However, God knows our hearts, and He knows the plans and purposes that He has for our lives. He has given us many chances to become disciples of Christ. Jesus commissioned his disciples to make other disciples for him.

Have you been petitioned by a disciple of Christ to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and to live your life the way that He did?

What was your response to that petition?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, at times I do not feel worthy to be Your disciple. I am looking at who I am now and who I was and I don’t feel worthy. However, You know me more than how I know myself. So, if you call me to be Your disciple, I know that I can be a faithful disciple.

Thank You for petitioning me through other disciples to be Yours. I am grateful that I am called and chosen by God to follow You. Help me to make the changes in my life, to live the way You lived here on Earth. Help me to be a faithful disciple who will go and make other disciples for Your Kingdom. Amen.

1 thought on “Jesus’ Petition For You To Be His Disciple”

  1. The call is to whosoever wii, and since we know , in obedience to His word we will follow as He leads.

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