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Intercession Prohibited

By Andrew Williams – December 10, 2021

Intercession Prohibited

“As for you, do not pray for these people. Do not offer a cry or a prayer on their behalf, and do not beg Me, for I will not listen to you.
Jeremiah 7:16 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Intercession is defined as the action of intervening on behalf of another. Intercession or intercessory prayer is the act of praying to a deity on behalf of oneself or others.

God speaks: No, no, no don’t you dare pray for them! I won’t listen to you! I won’t hear your prayer! They have gone too far! They have kept on sinning against me and it’s now time for me to judge them.

I have been long suffering towards them but they have not heeded my warning. They have not repented of their sin. They have not done what is right, nor do they even want to do what is right. Therefore do not pray for them!

I am not listening. I will not listen and don’t you dare be disobedient to me! Praying for them, is futile. Futile I tell you!

The ones you love. The ones you are willing to pray for have sinned. The God that you love, the God you serve, the one who you know is able to save them, redeem them, and deliver them says to you, don’t pray for them. What will your response be?

Prayer: My Lord, my Savior and my King, I too have seen the behavior and the lifestyle of these people. If it wasn’t for my relationship with You I would have given up on them a long time ago. I see that You are at the point where You are ready to judge them and nothing is going to keep You from doing that.

I wish it could be different for them, but You have given me clear directions not to pray for them. I am Your obedient servant, Your obedient child, so I will do as You say. It is hard to see someone remain lost and hopeless, but You have given them so many chances God.

Father God lead me to those who will hear and respond to Your word, so that my time here on Earth proclaiming Your word will not be in vain. Amen.

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