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Intercession – Pray for Your Pastor

By Andrew Williams – December 22, 2021

Intercession – Pray for Your Pastor

Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.
Ephesians 6:19 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Our topic today is “Pray for your Pastor”. My questions to you are these:
1. Have you been praying for your pastor?

2. Have you been praying for your pastor so that he can give the word that you need?

3. Have you been praying for your pastor so that he can rightfully divide the word so that you will not only understand but be able to put into practice what he teaches and preaches to you?

4. Have you been praying for your pastor so that he will be a good father or mother, a good spouse to his or her partner and a good parent to his or her children?

5. Have you been praying for your pastor when you see him struggling, instead of complaining and cursing him and saying that he’s not doing a good job?

6. Have you been praying for God to speak to him and speak through him?

You know, I smiled as I looked at this verse because there are days that I go without being able to write a single devotional, and I wonder, “are the persons who have been benefiting from this devotional praying for me?”

I know that some of you are because you tell me that, and I am so very grateful for your prayers.

Just last night, as I was about to prepare a devotional, a friend of mine texted me and said “you came up before me twice and I’m going to do as the Lord says, and I’m going to pray for you”. In that moment I felt refreshed and I continued and I finished the devotional.

My fellow disciples, it is so important that we pray for each other and that we pray especially for our pastors, our teachers, our apostles, and our evangelists. It is so important that we pray for those who have authority and power over us, and that we pray for those who have the gifting to teach and to speak into our lives.

It’s not easy being in their position, so let us pray for them so that they can discharge the duty that God has given them.

Prayer: And He personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into a mature man with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness.
Ephesians 4:11‭-‬13 HCSB

Father God, will bring your personally appointed leaders to you. We ask God that you will continue to lead and guide them, protect them, empower them, and show them exactly how they should live their lives. Have them to discharge their duty to family, to friends, to your church, and to the world in the way that brings most glory and honor to you.

Help us Lord, to continually pray for them to be who you want them to be, and help us to be faithful disciples. Amen.

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