Intercede for Destitute Children

By Andrew Williams

Rise during the night and cry out. Pour out your hearts like water to the Lord. Lift up your hands to him in prayer, pleading for your children, for in every street they are faint with hunger.
Lamentations 2:19 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Intercede: to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences; to mediate; to plead on someone else’s behalf; or to intervene on behalf of another.

Destitute: extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself.

Do you cry out to God for the destitute children who are on the streets?

Do you cry out to God for your own children who may be destitute, because of your family’s circumstances?

Do you cry out to God for spiritually destitute children: Children of God who are spiritually poor and are lacking the spiritual sustenance that they need?

Arise during the night and cry out!

Pour out your hearts like water to the Lord!

Lift up your hands to Him in prayer, pleading for your children, for they are faint with hunger!

Prayer: God, I cry out to You for our destitute children! They are fainting from physical and spiritual hunger, and are in need of Your help. We can’t help them Lord. We ask You to change the situations they are in, we ask You to change them, we ask You to change us so that we can be used by You to help them.

God, save, deliver, and heal our destitute children! Amen.

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