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By Andrew Williams – October 27, 2021


Then they replied to the king, “Daniel, one of the Judean exiles, has ignored you, the king, and the edict you signed, for he prays three times a day.”
Daniel 6:13 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you ever been put in a position where you have to make a choice between obeying God or someone else? Would your life be in danger if you chose to obey God instead of the other person?

This was what Daniel faced. If he disobeyed the king he would lose his life. But what did Daniel do? Not only did he disobey the king’s edict, but he was also blatant in how he did it. He didn’t pray in private, he opened his windows and went down on his knees and prayed. He did this THREE times per day!

In the situation where no one was supposed to be praying to anyone but the king, and if they did they would be put to death we see that Daniel chose to faithfully pray to his God. Do you know what jumps out at me? It’s the fact that these guys who wanted to get rid of Daniel, saw him praying three times per day!

So, hold on, they didn’t believe that he was praying the first and second time they saw? Why didn’t they report him when they saw him the first time? Well, all I know is, Daniel was committed to spending time with God. So, have you ever been put in a position where you have to make a choice between obeying God or someone else?

What did you choose to do? The fact is, every day we are faced with obeying God or something/someone else. Who do you choose to ignore, God or the person? As disciples of Christ, we need to consistently choose to obey God and ignore all other voices that challenge God and our relationship with Him. No matter how simple or difficult the choice we must ignore anything/anyone who brings ungodly choices to us.

Prayer: Father God, as I’m faced with choices every day to do your will or to do another’s will I will choose to ignore them. My fellowship and my relationship with you are more important than anything else in this world. No threat or enticement will cause me to choose to disobey you. I gladly ignore anything and anyone who would want me to go against You. THEY WILL ALWAYS BE IGNORED! AMEN.

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