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I Will Wait Until You Come Back

By Andrew Williams – February 1, 2022

I Will Wait Until You Come Back

Do not depart from here, I pray, until I come to You and bring out my offering and set it before You.” And He said, “I will wait until you come back.”
Judges 6:18 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

Wait is defined as: To stay; not to depart.

In this story we see the Lord appearing to Gideon and commissioning him to deliver the Israelites in his own might. Gideon made a request of the Lord. He asked the Lord not to depart, in other words to wait for him, until he could bring Him an offering. Gideon wanted God to prove to him that it was actually God Almighty that he was talking to.

We see the Lord responding that He would wait until Gideon came back.

Have you ever been in a conversation with God and you went off to prepare something so that you could bring it back to God? Would you be brave enough to leave God’s presence so that you could bring Him a sacrifice?

Do you think that God would actually wait on you while you went off to do something else?

Our God is a gracious God! He is willing to wait on us! Sometimes we don’t believe the words that He says to us and we want proof, but God is patient and will wait for us to believe.

Ponder these questions:
How many times have you heard the gospel and have not responded?

How many times did you turn away from God after accepting Him as Lord and savior?

Have you backslidden but you know that God is speaking to you, calling you to return to him?

Has God called you to a specific ministry but you still have not responded?

In all these situations didn’t God wait for you until you returned, and if you haven’t returned isn’t He still waiting for you to return?

So, having met God, is it your intention to do His will even if you delay for a bit? If God says He will wait for you, He will wait for you! Just be sure of your relationship with Him and what it is that He has said to you. Be like Gideon who went to prepare a sacrifice for the Lord and returned.

Prayer: Lord God, thank You for waiting for me. I return with my sacrifice. I give myself: my spirit, my soul, and my body to you as a living sacrifice. Even though I have waited for a long time to do Your will, even though I have strayed away from You, and even though my sacrifice is not much, I ask You to accept me.

Show me that You are God!
I will serve You!
I will follow You!
I will obey You!
I will be who You have called me to be!


2 thoughts on “I Will Wait Until You Come Back”

  1. Look how God is loving, patient and faithful. Oh what example He has set for me. Lord help me.
    Thank you

  2. Sovereign Lord , thank YOU for waiting for me. I am humbled when I think that the King of kings would wait for one so lost and lackadaisical about her own salvation. But You did!!!! What shall I offer to You Lord for all Your benefits ??

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