I Waited Patiently

By Andrew Williams

I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry.  
Psalms 40:1 BSB
I Waited Patiently

Good morning, fellow disciples.

Wait is defined as: “to remain stationary in readiness or expectation.”

Last month we praised You, God. This month we have been waiting on You. I have waited patiently, and You have responded.

You have spoken to me through Your Word. You have spoken to me through others who have responded to this devotional series. You have spoken to me through Your Holy Spirit. You have spoken to me through others in sermons, testimonies, and conversations.

I remained stationary in expectation and readiness for You. You have shown up! You have started to speak to me. I have been listening. However, I know that there is much more to come so I will continue waiting on You.

Prayer: Father God, I pray for my fellow disciples who have been waiting for You this month. I pray that they will hear You clearly, see You clearly, and get revelations from Your word and from Your Holy Spirit.

I pray God that they will learn to be silent before You, resting in expectation that You will speak, that You will show up, and that You will be with them every moment of every day. As they continue to look to You, it is my prayer that they will say: “I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry”. Amen.

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