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I love You, Lord , My Strength !

By Andrew Williams – July 8,2021

“I love You, Lord , my strength.” Psalms 18:1 HCSB

I love you Lord: Jehovah, Yahweh, Almighty God, God of the Angel armies, Elohim, creator of everything, my savior, my redeemer, and my King. You are everything to me and I bow before You now in reverence. Thank You for loving me and making me a part of Your family.

You Are My strength: my power for resisting attack. I seek shelter in You, protection from You, and fellowship with You. All who come against me are in essence coming against You, but You are my strength (my power for resisting attack). All who come against me will fail because You are the one who is protecting me and fighting for me. I am nothing without You God, but with You I am strong.

You protect me Lord, You shield me from the enemy, You destroy my enemies and You keep me in Your loving arms always. I love You God and I will forever serve You. Amen.

Good morning fellow disciples. Do you love the Lord? Is He truly your strength? If you are not totally relying on God or totally loving Him, I urge you to repent and turn to Him as the one that you love and the one that is your strength.

Have a day full of love and be strong in the Lord!

2 thoughts on “I love You, Lord , My Strength !”

  1. Beautiful. What a loving God we serve. With all our heart and strength may we endeavour to love and serve the Lord.

    1. Onesha Mitchell Patterson

      The LORD is the strength of my Life and my salvation. I dont deserve your live but I’m grateful. Thanks.

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