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Hope and Comfort

By Andrew Williams – April 5, 2021

Scripture: Remember the word to Your servant, Upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life. Psalms 119:49‭-‬50 NKJV

Observation : God’s Word is my source of hope, comfort and it gives me life. This is true both of His written Word and His Word to me through His Holy Spirit. We know that God never leaves us or forsakes us and that He is faithful to His promises.

We need to ‘remind’ God of His words to us in our prayers. His words are the source of life, the beginning of hope and our constant source of comfort.

Application: I will continue to meditate on God’s word to me. I will cherish them in my heart, use them as my source of comfort, and allow them to be the source of everything good in my life.

Prayer: Father God thank You for Your word to me. In my times of need and in my times of distress they are indeed my source of comfort, hope and life. Thank you for never leaving me I forsaking me. I Love You God. Amen.

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