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By Andrew Williams – July 4 ,2021

“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

We have focused on You and what this verse says you are to do. By now you would realize that all the actions need to be done by you: seek, find and search. We know that the object of our actions is God. Today we look at doing that “with all your heart”. ‘With all your’ means, with everything that you possess.

In this instance ‘with all your’ refers to your heart. But what exactly is your heart? This is not referring to the organ in your body that pumps blood. Let us define it.

Heart : 1.one’s innermost character, feelings, or inclinations ,

2. the essential or most vital part of something.

God is saying that you should seek Him with all your innermost character, feelings, inclinations and the most vital/essential part of you. When you do this you won’t be holding back any part of yourself. You will be seeking God with your all.

Is this how you approach your relationship with God? Are you willing to focus your entire life on seeking God? Does your whole heart belong to God?

Prayer: Father God, I will seek You and find You when I search for You with all my heart. With all my heart I seek You now!

I have found You because I sought You with all my heart. Now that I have found You, I will continue to serve You and fellowship with You wholeheartedly. I love You and I seek to be with You always. Keep us together I ask, in Jesus’ name, amen.

1 thought on “Heart”

  1. Onesha Mitchell Patterson

    I have found you God because I sought you with my whole heart! Something I couldn’t do on my own but something that your HOLY Spirit led me to. Thank You HOLY Spirit.

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