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He Rescued Me

By Andrew Williams – July 14,2021

“He rescued me from my powerful enemy and from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me.” Psalms 18:17 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

We all have powerful enemies, people who hate us, and people who are too strong for us to overpower. Sometimes when we focus on these things we become disheartened and we give up. Sometimes when we only focus on who we are we become disheartened and give up because we see ourselves as being too weak.

When we Redirect our Focus unto God we realize that there is someone who is able to deliver us no matter the situation that we are in. Our God will deliver us! Let me ask some questions now:

” Is He your God?”

“Have you put your trust in Him?”

“What is your relationship like with Him?” ,and

“Do you truly believe that He will hear you and rescue you? “

If the answers to these questions are “yes”, then rest assured, your God will rescue you!

Prayer: Father God thank You for rescuing me when I call to You. You truly are my Father, who loves me. I love You Lord and I will continue to serve You for all eternity. I give You my all and I ask You to use me to advance Your kingdom here on Earth. Amen.

2 thoughts on “He Rescued Me”

  1. Maureen Williams

    Where would I be if God didn’t rescue me. I don’t really know. But I’m so, so glad he rescued me.

  2. I’m glad He rescued me
    From the cold dark waters of sin’s troubled sea
    Jesus rescued me
    I have new life I am free
    When he reached down in love
    And He rescued me”

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