Guarded Meditation

By Andrew Williams

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
Proverbs 4:23 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

Your heart, your soul, your innermost being, is the place where your meditation occurs. You need to guard that above anything else, because it determines the course of your life.

That’s how important your meditation is!

Your meditation is shaped by whatever information that is in your heart. Sometimes all it takes is one piece of information to corrupt your thoughts which then leads to ungodly actions.

Child of God, most of the spiritual warfare that you undergo is within your heart. The enemy wants to take control of the way you think or distract you from thinking the way God desires.

Are you guarding your heart against his attacks and infiltrations?

Have you taken control of the thoughts that will lead you astray?

Have you removed these thoughts from your mind?

Are you only allowing Godly sights and sounds to enter your heart?

Have you stopped feeding your soul on the worldly things that corrupts you?

Guard your heart by:
1. Reading and meditating on Scripture,
2. Obeying God,
3. Stop watching and listening to things that do not glorify God, and
4. Refusing to entertain ungodly thoughts.

Remember, your heart belongs to you! You choose what enters it and you choose what stays in it! Will you take control of it today?

Prayer: Father God, I choose to guard my heart against everything that is ungodly. I will meditate on the things that glorify You. I want all that I do to be pleasing to You, and I want what I do from now onwards to lead to eternal life with You. Amen.

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