Growing in Biblical Understanding

By Andrew Williams

‘My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. ‘ Proverbs 2:1-3

Good morning fellow disciples, in this series we will be answering questions that will help us to become faithful disciples of Christ.

As followers of Christ, one of our deepest desires should be to grow in our knowledge and understanding of the Bible. After all, Scripture is the very word of God, revealing to us the truth about His character, His will, and His plan of redemption. The better we know the Bible, the better we will know the God who inspired it.


Here are a few key practices to consider:

Read Consistently

The foundation for growing in biblical understanding is regular, prayerful reading of God’s word. This means setting aside time each day – even if it’s just 10-15 minutes – to immerse ourselves in the text. As we read through the Bible systematically, passage by passage, we’ll begin to see the overarching narrative and themes that weave throughout its pages.

Study Diligently

Beyond simply reading, we must also engage in deeper, more rigorous study of the Scriptures. This might involve consulting Bible dictionaries and commentaries, exploring the historical and cultural contexts of certain passages, and wrestling with challenging theological concepts. The goal is to not just understand the surface-level meaning, but to plumb the depths of God’s word.

Meditate Prayerfully

True understanding of the Bible doesn’t come through intellect alone. It requires a posture of humility and dependence on the Holy Spirit. As we read and study, we must bathe it in prayer, asking God to open our eyes, soften our hearts, and illuminate the truths contained within. Meditation and reflection are key to allowing Scripture to really take root in our lives.

Apply Obediently

Ultimately, the purpose of growing in biblical understanding is not just to gain knowledge, but to put that knowledge into practice. As the Scriptures transform our minds, they must also transform our character and our conduct. A true grasp of God’s word should lead to tangible changes in how we live our lives.

Fellow disciples, the journey of knowing and understanding the Bible is a lifelong one. But as we commit ourselves to regular reading, diligent study, prayerful meditation, and obedient application, we will be richly rewarded. For in doing so, we will grow ever deeper in our knowledge of the God who has graciously revealed Himself to us.

Prayer: Father God, we come before You with hearts that long to know You more. Your word is a precious gift, a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Help us, by Your Spirit, to read it, study it, meditate on it, and apply it in our lives. Give us a hunger and thirst for the Scriptures, that we might grow in our understanding of Your truth, Your character, and Your will for our lives.

Open our eyes to behold the wonders contained in Your word, and transform us through its power. May our lives be marked by a deeper knowledge of You and a more faithful obedience to Your ways. We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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