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Good Testimony

By Andrew Williams – October 12, 2021

“Demetrius has a good testimony from all, and from the truth itself. And we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true.”
III John 1:12 NKJV

Good morning fellow disciples.

Yesterday we spoke about imitating what was good. Today we see John mentioning another disciple by the name of Demetrius. We don’t know much about him but what everything and everyone agrees on is that Demetrius has a good testimony.

This good testimony is from everyone, from John and whoever is with him, and also the truth. The fact that the truth bears testimony about Demetrius says and shows that Demetrius is living according to the truth. He is therefore another good disciple who can be imitated.

In your life as a disciple of Christ can this be said about you also? Does everyone bear good witness of you, and are you living in a manner that the truth itself bears witness about you? Some of us will say that we are being changed and we are not fully there is yet, but let me ask you this, “what is hindering you from living your life fully for God?”

As we seek to serve the Lord, let us strive to be disciples who have good testimonies from everyone. For this to happen we need to be fully surrendered and submitted to God. Let us serve in ways that are pleasing to God and that bring glory and honor to Him.

Prayer: Father God, I want to have good testimony from my fellow disciples, my teachers, Your word, You, and Your Holy Spirit. I repent of my sin now. I submit and surrender to You and pledge to serve You wherever You send me. Teach me Your ways Lord, and I will obey all Your commands and Your teachings, and I will disciple others to be just like the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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