God’s WORD Misused

By Andrew Williams

For the Scriptures say, ‘He will order his angels to protect and guard you.
Luke 4:10 NLT

Good morning fellow disciples.

WORD is defined as the expressed or manifested mind and will of God.

Not everyone who quotes scripture is giving you God’s WORD! People can use and misuse scripture in order to fulfill their own agenda. Here we see the devil using a passage of Scripture in order to try to get Jesus to sin against God.

How many times have you heard God’s WORD being misused?

How many times have you misused God’s WORD?

How many times have you been tricked by someone who misused God’s WORD in order to get you to do something ungodly?

Jesus was not tricked by the misuse of God’s WORD. Jesus knew God’s WORD, and He was not tricked by the devil. He used other quotations from God’s WORD to defeat the Devil.

Do you know God’s WORD? Do you know God’s expressed and manifested mind and will? Do you use it to defeat those who are misusing His WORD?

Prayer: Father God, I pledged to study Your WORD so that no one can misuse it and trick me into doing what is against Your will. I will live according to Your manifested and expressed mind and will. Amen.

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