God’s Sinful People

By Andrew Williams – May 6, 2021

“But as soon as they entered the land at Adam, they broke the covenant I had made with them. Gilead is a city full of evil people and murderers. The priests are like a gang of robbers who wait in ambush for someone. Even on the road to the holy place at Shechem they commit murder. And they do all this evil deliberately! I have seen a horrible thing in Israel: my people have defiled themselves by worshiping idols. Hosea 6:7‭-‬10 GNT

Good morning fellow disciples.

What can I say? God’s chosen people were covenant breakers, murderers, robbers, and idol worshipers. The alarming thing was that the people deliberately did these evil things. Even the priests were guilty of sinning against God !

What can we say about ourselves today? Are we any different from them? Do we still sin deliberately against God even though we are disciples of Christ?

Let us examine ourselves today and see where we are missing the mark. Are we living lives of willful sin? Have we turned to worshiping things / idols instead of the one true God? Have we become so religious that when we worship, it’s all about the worship experience instead of actually worshiping God?

Sometimes it’s so easy to see where others have fallen short, even when we are guilty of the same thing. Let us remember that God sees all, and even if persons in other countries or other denominations are guilty of sin and are about to be punished, we should be mindful of ourselves too. “And as for you, people of Judah, I have set a time to punish you also for what you are doing. Hosea 6:11 GNT

Prayer: Father God, today as I examine myself based on this passage and these questions, show me who I truly am. When I see myself the way that You see me, help me to do the right thing and repent. Help me to change to be the person that You need me to become, in Jesus’ name ,amen.

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