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God’s Instructions To The Samaritan Woman

By Andrew Williams – March 25, 2022

God’s Instructions To The Samaritan Woman

A woman of Samaria came to draw water. “Give Me a drink,”

Jesus said to her, “Go call your husband,” He told her, “and come back here.”
John 4:7‭, ‬16 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

“Give Me a drink.” Go call your husband and come back here.”

These are two things that Jesus wanted the Samaritan woman to do. We don’t know if she gave him a drink. We know that she could not go and get her husband and come back, because she did not have one. So why did Jesus ask her to do with these two things?

Sometimes God’s instructions to us is to initiate a conversation and continue that conversation with us. When God does this we get to speak to Him and get to know Him, while seeing who we are.

We get to see what we need! We recognize what we need to let go of! We recognize who God is and how to come into right relationship with Him!

What changes have occurred in your life because of your ongoing conversation with God?

Have you stopped that conversation, and are you willing to restart it so that you can come into full fellowship with God?

A simple conversation can lead to life changing possibilities!
Do you crave these conversations with God?
Do you have that sort of conversations with family, friends, or acquaintances?
Do you allow God’s Holy Spirit to speak through you to bring others to Christ?

1 thought on “God’s Instructions To The Samaritan Woman”

  1. This is indeed a moment of truth, when God hit the spot so to speak and get the attention of the woman who had a problem only Jesus could solve.
    JESUS is just the same today.

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